Today, January 29, a solemn Academy was held on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. The university management, representatives of local and regional authorities, teachers and students were present. The moderator was the Deputy Dean for Scientific and Educational Work of the Faculty, Natalia Belova.
At the beginning of the celebrations, those present honored the memory of Ukrainians who gave their lives for the independence of our country with a minute of silence.
The rector of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Professor Ihor Tsependa, congratulated the teachers and students on their anniversary: “I sincerely congratulate you on a serious anniversary! The faculty has proven with its work that natural sciences should occupy a proper place in society. You have created powerful scientific schools that are now known outside of Ukraine. The faculty became a very interesting field of pilot projects, which we later used in the work of other faculties or institutes. We have always tried to form for you those platforms that will take you to a completely different level. To this end, we have made a lot of efforts to ensure that our university and Ukrainian science receive the International Scientific Center “Observatory” on Mount Pip Ivan. This is a unique place for everyone involved in biodiversity, ecology, forestry, meteorology, etc. “.
The rector also thanked those scientists and teachers who, in difficult periods, preserved the mechanism of the university’s activities. First of all, this is the founder of the School of Biochemistry, Professor Volodymyr Lushchak and all the professors who distinguished themselves with their considerable achievements.
“I want to thank the staff of the Faculty of Natural Sciences! Ratings, grants, scientific achievements are the painstaking work that each of you does. We all know that behind every successful scientist and teacher there is a team of people who are united by a common idea and opinion and are fans of their work. In order for the team to function, there must be a goal that is set in the future. We are also grateful to the leadership of our university, represented by the rector Igor Tsependa, for their constant attention to the work of the faculty, for their support and speed in solving problems and making decisions,” emphasized the dean of the faculty of natural sciences, Viktor Sluchyk.
During the event, the dean spoke about the history of the creation of the faculty of natural sciences and the achievements of the teachers who contributed to the development of the faculty in all its directions.
A pleasant moment of the celebrations was the awarding of the team with diplomas and thanks for many years of conscientious work, high professionalism, and significant personal contribution to the development of science and the natural sciences.
After the ceremonial part, an expanded meeting of the Academic Council began with the participation of employees of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, where the results of scientific work for 2023 were discussed.