Online conference “Trends and problems of modern chemical education”

Today was held an online conference “Trends and problems of modern chemical education” on the Webex platform.The head of the Department of Environmental Chemistry and Chemical Education, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Tetyana Taras and the conference coordinator, Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental Chemistry and Chemical Education, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Lilia Midak addressed the participants with an introductory speech. The conference covered a wide range of issues: about the means and forms of organizing students’ learning activities in chemistry lessons in secondary schools, about interesting STEM-projects and hackathons that are organized in Ukraine for teachers and students, especially for girls; on the training of future teachers in higher education. The conference was attended by scientists, science teachers, graduate students and students. The following reports were heard:

Maria Danyliuk-Pirig, a teacher of the highest qualification category of the Lyceum of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Ivano-Frankivsk)

Professor of the Department of Natural and Mathematical Education of the municipal institution “Lviv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education”, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Maria Savchyn PROBLEM LEARNING AS A MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTIVITY AND COMPETENCE

teacher of chemistry of Cherkasy secondary school of I-III grades. №29 Natalia Skakun WORKSHOP AS A MODERN FORM OF ORGANIZATION OF STUDENTS ‘LEARNING ACTIVITIES IN CHEMISTRY LESSON

chemistry teacher lyceum № 24 in Ivano-Frankivsk City Council Yuri Pakhomov and graduate students of chemistry environment and chemical education SHEE “Carpathian National University named after V. Stefanik” Hrystyny ​​Buzhdyhan i Victor Lutsyshyna “APPLICATION LEPBUKINHU works together with augmented reality FOR STEAM-chemistry lessons”

Well, what about without # STEMgirls  Report of Nadiya Kyrychenko, Assistant of Youth Projects of the Center for the Development of Corporate Social Responsibility on large-scale and interesting projects, competitions, hackathons for Girls, Teachers and Schoolchildren

Oksana Labinska, Senior Lecturer, Department of Pedagogy, Augustyn Voloshin Carpathian University, and Professor of the Department of General Pedagogy and Higher School Pedagogy, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Uzhhorod National University. Volodymyr Ivanovych Starosty ATTITUDE OF CHEMISTRY TEACHERS TO SOME ASPECTS OF ECOLOGICAL COMPONENT TRAINING IN HIGHER SCHOOL

The collection of conference materials will be posted in electronic form in free access on the website of the Department of Environmental Chemistry and Chemical Education.