Research Laboratory

Students have multimedia lecture rooms, a specialized class with personal computers and the Internet, and educational research laboratories:

laboratory of inorganic and physical chemistry №710;

laboratory of analytical and environmental chemistry №712;
Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry and Organic Synthesis No. 703; laboratory of methods of teaching chemistry and techniques of chemical experiment No. 722.

Educational laboratories of the Department of Chemistry of the Environment and Chemical Education – a unit that provides students and students of the university with jobs equipped with modern laboratory equipment, namely suction and exhaust ventilation, devices, laboratory equipment, chemical reagents and chemical utensils and chemical utensils high educational-methodical level of laboratory and laboratory-practical classes, laboratory-practical classes, for the fulfillment of course and diploma vows of students, scientific works of students, experimental part of the work of student problem groups.

Laboratories №710, №712, №703 hold laboratory and laboratory-practical classes in the disciplines according to the current curricula of the directions of preparation:

014- “Secondary education (Chemistry)”; 014- “Secondary Education (Natural Sciences)”; 6.040101– “Chemistry *”; 6.040102- “Biology *”, 6.040104- “Geography *”, 6.040106- “Ecology”, 6.090101- “Agronomy”, 6.090103- “Forest and landscape gardening”, 091- “Biology”, 101- “Ecology”, 102 – “Chemistry”, 103- “Earth Sciences”, 106- “Geography”, 201- “Agronomy”, 205- “Forestry”, 014- “Secondary education (Biology)”, 014- “Secondary education (Geography) ».

Laboratory №722 carries out the work on the project “Implementation of technologies of mobile learning and augmented reality during the study of chemistry in secondary schools”, and at a high educational-methodical level the following subjects are taught: “Modern educational technologies in chemistry”, “Methods of teaching chemistry” , “Methods of solving chemistry problems”, “Demonstration experiment technique”.