Advanced training courses for teachers of Kalush Region on the basis of PNU

For several days (October 25 – 29, 2021) Associate Professor Lilia Midak together with the team of the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies “PNU EcoSystem” worked on the basis of Kalush Lyceum №10 Ivano-Frankivsk region, which organized refresher courses for teachers who provide training for students 5-11 (12) classes in ZZSO, according to new methods according to the Concept “New Ukrainian school” in the directions defined by item 15 of the Order of advanced training of pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers (from 21.08.2019) on a subject: «DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF NUS “. In particular, Lilia Yaroslavivna conducted a training on “Features of 3D-visualization of educational material. Augmented and virtual reality in education.” The participants of the course discussed the peculiarities of learning in the digital age, the characteristics of the current generation of students, as well as the feasibility of using augmented and virtual reality in the learning process. In the practical part we worked with educational materials and mobile applications of augmented reality, which can be used in lessons of physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, science and computer science.