Professional development of secondary school teachers

The Department of Environmental Chemistry and Chemical Education of the Faculty of Natural Sciences took part in advanced training of teachers of secondary education institutions on the basis of the Institute of Postgraduate Education and Pre-University Training of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University. Associate Professor, Ph.D. Anna Lutsas developed programs of in-service teacher training in the areas of “Modern approaches to teaching chemistry”, which lasted from 23.11. to 26.11.2021 and “Natural Science” from 29.11. to 02.12.2021 and conducted trainings, practical modules and teacher training. Head of training laboratories Malakhov IV took part in the preparation and conduct of laboratory classes according to the schedule. Work on the preparation of materials for practical modules and trainings was carried out by associate professors Matkivsky MP, Luchkevich ER and the head of the department Taras TM In total, more than 40 teachers took part in the courses.